Thursday, November 1, 2007

10.31.07: West Point to Freeport

West Point to Freeport: Temps in the 60's, 10-15kts breeze out of the South, calm seas. GREAT day. Since we were headed due east, then due North, this made for a lovely beam reach then down run respectively. Tied up at Strouts Point Marina around 3pm or so.
The happiness generated by our first two days of sailing in GREAT conditions was tempered by some bad news: Strouts Point can NOT do the work on the boat which they were originally supposed to (we'll just leave it at that), and the list of work to be done has gotten LONGER as we made many little discoveries en-route. Here's the bottom line, folks: We have HUGE amounts of work to do to the boat, not enough time to do it all, and a very insecure roster of qualified proffessionals to actually perform the work with an acceptable level of quality. Not to fear, Johnboy is on the case! We made distress calls to our good friend and sailing Zen master Bruce Schwab, and a few other gurus who may be sympathetic to our plight. We are NOT giving up. Over the next few days, much will be revealed, and some very important decisions will be made. We are all maintaining a positive mental attitude, and hoping (and I'm praying) for the best.
"Eyes on the prize!"
"Keep the faith!"
"Audax on three.... one, two, three... AUDAX!!"
Stay tuned. This coming weekend should be quite interesting.......

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